About Us

Who We Are

We are Dilju Empire Limited, a company founded in Nigeria on December 2nd, 2021 by Derica F. J. Jude. I like to call this platform 'Derica's Noble Kingdom (DNK)' because it represents my journey of hard work, sadness, loss, struggles, pain, moments of almost giving up, fears, hope, determination, perseverance, and various emotions I've experienced.Derica is an entrepreneur, and lawyer. She established CareerInstitution.com for introverted creatives like her battling camera phobia and social anxiety.Dilju Empire Limited is involved in fashion, publishing/entertainment, agriculture/food, and technology.We appreciate your visit and invite you to explore our stores and Derica's blogs/websites. You can connect with Derica on Instagram and Threads @empressderica. YouTube: Derica Jude Derica is on Facebook as Derica F. J. Jude.

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